Terms of Use

Appendix No. 2

to the public offer agreement.

Rules for using services

As amended on 20.07.2020.

This appendix is ​​an integral part of the Public Offer Agreement and describes the basic rules for using the services provided by the Provider to the Subscriber.

1. Basic Provisions

1.1. Violation of the Rules for Using Services is strictly prohibited.

1.2. In case of their violation, with the exception of paragraph 2.28, in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of the public offer, access to services will be immediately suspended.

1.3. In accordance with paragraph 4.4 of the public offer, funds for suspended services are not refunded.

1.4. In case of repeated violation of these rules, in accordance with paragraph 3.9 of the public offer, the Subscriber will be subject to a fine of 1,000 rubles for each violation confirmed by the Provider.

1.5. The Services provided are not “bulletproof”.

1.6. Any activities, actions, inactions that directly or indirectly may cause material or reputational damage to our company are prohibited;

1.7. Services are provided in accordance with the current Legislation of the Russian Federation. In some cases, if the country of service provision differs from the Russian Federation, services are provided in accordance with the Legislation of the European Union and the specific country in which the Service is provided.

2. Within the framework of the services “Cloud virtual server”, “Cloud virtual storage server”, “Cloud virtual server 1C Bitrix” it is prohibited:

2.1. Any intentional email spam (both outgoing and incoming);

2.2. Using the server as an open, public email relay;

2.3. Posting and using viruses, exploits, botnets, as well as redirects to sites containing viruses and exploits;

2.4. Posting child pornography, incest, porn involving animals, as well as sites with models who look under 18;

2.5. Posting sites with 18+ content and intimate services;

2.6. Posting phishing sites, sites with calls for theft and fraud;

2.7. Posting sites describing suicide methods, death groups and similar content;

2.8. Posting fraudulent sites, as well as redirects to such sites;

2.9. Posting information regarding carding and everything related to it;

2.10. Scanning networks or ports, brute force, searching for vulnerabilities and other similar activities. This policy may be individually changed upon agreement with the administration;

2.11. Hacking government, commercial and non-profit organizations and executive authorities;

2.12. Any activity that may lead to IP blacklisting (SpamHaus, StopForumSpam, SpamCop, Blocklist, antivirus databases and any other blacklists);

2.13. Conducting "test" DDoS and other attacks on your server that may create problems for other clients.

2.14. Organizing DDoS attacks from rented servers;

2.15. Placing stressers of any kind;

2.16. Placing online pharmacies with illegal pharmaceuticals;

2.17. Selling spice, smoking mixtures and other narcotic and psychotropic substances;

2.18. Organizing public or private VPN / proxy services without the consent of the hosting administration;

2.19. Setting up and using proxy servers without authorization;

2.20. TOR\I2P exit nodes;

2.21. Using virtual servers for onion\garlic routing;

2.22. Cryptocurrency mining;

2.23. Proxying/tunneling sites, servers, services outside the Provider's network (IP transit);

2.24. Using virtual servers for Anti-DDoS protection of third-party projects (not hosted on our servers) by proxying/tunneling traffic outside the Provider's network (Protected IP transit);

2.25. Adding and using IP addresses that do not belong to you.

2.26. Placing traffic-generating scripts, websites and other resources (audio/video streaming, file storage, etc.);

2.27. Loading virtual server resources by more than 75% on a permanent basis. We are talking about resource-intensive applications that operate at maximum load 24/7/365.

2.28. If the activities described in paragraph 2.28 are detected, the following measures will be taken:

3. Within the framework of the services “Cloud hosting of sites” and “Cloud hosting for 1C Bitrix” it is prohibited: